Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Who, me??? Bipolar???

My many moods this week. (Is it really only Wednesday?)

Frazzled: Work, errands, bills, half-assedly working out, and all the other usual stuff has proved daunting this week.

Ecstatic: I saw the greatest goal ever scored! Live and by my favorite soccer player of all time :-)

Amused: Here's something for my redheaded friends. Just don't get carried away, unless you are fed up with being Caucasian.

Excited: I get new hair on Saturday! I'm thinking of doing something REALLY drastic. I think I'm going to go much darker(because I'm fed up with being Caucasian..uh, maybe just blonde.) A lot of this is speculation and depends entirely on the mood of my stylist at the time. She pretty much does what she wants and because she's fabulous, I let her!

Aggravated: The more I write the cheesier this sounds and frankly that just makes me pissed off.

Highlight of the weekend: Eating ice cream with Possum by the train tracks; watching an ambulance, fire truck, AND police cruiser respond to a passed-out drunk on the street. Don't ya just love this town?

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