Thursday, September 28, 2006

Life's Too Short for Sensible Shoes

"Shoes turn you into someone else. You can't be a dominatrix in a sneaker. If you are in a high heel, you are in pain, and you are going to make someone pay for it."
Natacha Marro, maker of custom fetish boots in London

There's an article in the September National Geographic about shoes. The pictures by Mitchell Feinberg are so cool they make me want to strut around in all those over-the-top shoes. What I really found interesting though was the quote from June Swann: Shoe Historian, at the beginning of the article. "Shoes are the best indication of how people are feeling." So, that made me wonder what my shoes, stacked Abu Ghraib style in a corner by my closet, were saying about how I'm feeling. (I think they are saying I had a busy week.) The right pair of shoes can make all the difference, though. After a particularly trying week, I once had a boyfriend give me a pair of "feel-better-shoes", and it worked! You never have to worry about shoes turning on you and becoming too snug if you slack at the gym or hit the chocolate a little too hard either. Not like those bastards, blue jeans.

I'm not a big fan of the sensible shoe; they just aren't any fun to shop for. But, there is a time and a place for everything and if Moses had been a woman he would have insisted on an Eleventh Commandment...Thou Shall Dress for the Occasion. So, as I've gotten older I have come to terms with the fact that there are times when the Nikes and even the Tevas are necessary. Conversely, there are times when only a 3 inch stiletto will do. It's all about adaptability. And shoes, like hair color, allow you to easily become someone else. At least for a little while.

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