Monday, January 07, 2008

Jon & Stephen!

They're back! They're back! I've missed them sooo. The "Daily Show" and the "Colbert Report" return tonight! It's about time. I've been adrift without them. How is a busy, young, liberal-leaning, quasi-aware chick supposed to know what to think, what to believe??? It's high time I started forming some opinions and regurgitating some pithy remarks about this here...whatchamacallit...Presidential Election.

Either that, or maybe everyone else should just say screw it and do what I have been doing for the last couple of months...memorizing all the words to "The Soup Song".

Soup Soup, a tasty Soup Soup
A spicy Carrot and Coriander
Crouton Crouton
Crunchy friends in a liquid broth
I am Gazpacho...ooh
I am a summer soup...mmm
Miso Miso
Fighting in the dojo
Miso Miso
Oriental Prince in the Land of Soup!

Now, if Jon and Stephen suck...sans-writers...there is always "The Bouncy Castle Crimp".

Please help me, Jon and Stephen.