Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bubba Hog

Go Hogs, Beat Florida!

(Possum said this is how he imagines my ex-husband.)


Lately, I have been considering my inability to "list". Tis the season to list, apparently. As the end of the year draws to a close we'll soon be bombarded with "The Best ____ of 2006", "The Worst ____ of 2006", "My Favorite_____ of 2006", ad nauseum. I guess I could actually do a list thing like that...maybe, just maybe, I will. I do keep a calendar/journal of what books I'm reading or songs I'm liking or anything else that particularly catches my fancy at the moment. So, it would just be a matter of looking through that and picking out "The Best". Frankly, that scares me a little bit though. You see, I have this tendency to go a bit overboard with new interests. For instance, some of you may remember "The Great Bluegrass Frenzy of '02" or the time I tried to educate myself about fine wines and nearly ended up a penniless alcoholic. Ah, good times. Not that I don't STILL have a warm place in my heart for Big Smith and Stags' Leap Cab Sav, it's just that once I have moved on I tend to look back at my obsessions with Nelson Ha Ha'ing over my shoulder. There's really no need to have that recorded in a public forum, now is there? And, besides, does anyone really care what I like? No. Everybody else already likes what they like. Seriously, if someone is looking to my preferences for guidance on what's good, cool or quality...just don't.

No matter the time of year though, we have become a "list culture". Some lists are much better than others. (Just spend 5 minutes looking around MySpace for examples of the "others".) Why do folks feel the need to list? Is it simple egotism or is it a tool of self-discovery? Are these lists pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that when put together form a complete, comprehensive picture of the person compiling them? Really? I don't get it. My interests tend to be more like rocks picked up on a creek bed; admired for a moment then tossed over the shoulder, occasionally carried in a pocket, few coveted enough to collect dust on a bookcase. No matter how you look at it...they never fit together to form a complete picture of anything. Maybe I'm just fickle. Maybe I just like the process of learning about new things. I am awfully curious, but I'm also loyal, too. Maybe that's why I don't list. I'm never fenced in by any proclaimed preferences, trapped by any "bests" or "favorites". Perhaps in this particular post I have been a bit enamoured with "quotation marks". Don't get too used to it. Tomorrow...the semi-colon!!!

Monday, November 27, 2006


So, I did the Thanksgiving thing with my family. I was grateful. I counted my many blessings. Yadda, yadda. Now, here's some stuff I'm hatin'.

I detest that my four day weekend is over and now it's Monday.

I detest that I have been busy and not keeping up with this here blog the way that I would like.

I detest that I now must begin Christmas shopping.

I detest that none of the pictures Possum and I took at Lights of the Ozarks turned out worth a damn. Here's a good one I didn't take.

I detest that my grandmother just found out she has lung cancer and we don't know what should/could be done about it, yet.

I detest that the Razorbacks lost to LSU. Oh Hogs, why must you break my heart so?

I detest that I didn't get to see one of my bestest friends in the whole world on her birthday. Hope you had a good one, M. I promise to make it up to ya real soon.

It's not Cyber Monday...It's Bitchgiving.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Here's a picture of my dad carving our Thanksgiving turkey, the shrink wrap off the fried turkey he bought from the BBQ trailer down the road. Yes, I spent the holiday with The Fam in southeast Arkansas. The turkey was delicious and we got to eat a good third of it before our dog Maxx managed to pull the plate off the counter and devour the remainder. Sonsabitches, Bumpasses!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Woo Pig Sooie!!!

It's a HUGE day in NWA as the Razorbacks play host to the Tennessee Volunteers. ESPN College GameDay is even in town! Go Hogs, Beat Tennessee! If for no other reason than "Rocky Top" causes all Arkansans to throw up in their mouths, just a little.

Here's a conversation, overheard in a doctor's office, that illustrates exactly how important this game is and exactly how crazy Razorback fans can be:

Older gentleman explaining why he can't have surgery until after the Arkansas v Tennessee game...

Patient: I gotta be in fightin' form for the Tennessee game. I can't be all laid-up! I was there in 1999 when we beat 'em. Remember, the fans tore down the goal post and carried 'em down to Dickson Street!

Patient's Wife: He cried like a baby; this same man didn't even shed a tear at my mama's funeral!

Go Hogs!

Well, It's a Start...

The Unknown
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know.

—Feb. 12, 2002, Department of Defense news briefing

I'm sure all y'all think I would have just been tickled pink last week when the Democrats gained control of the House and the Senate, but they are going to have to SHOW me something first. Let's face it, the Democrat minority was never that small all along, not so small that they shouldn't have been making a helluva lot of noise long before the past few weeks proceeding the recent midterm election. Frankly, I have been pissed about that. Where is the party of FDR and JFK, the party that took action to help the poor and the oppressed? Where is the party that took a stand for Civil Rights for minorities? Even if they haven't had the balls to stand up and question how we continue to deny rights to a certain portion of the population based on who they love or what they do in their bedrooms, how have they stood by and watched as the civil liberties of all of us were eroded by those using fear to keep us cowed? So, now that they have gained a handful of seats, can we expect some action, some common sense, some application of the very principles this nation was founded on? I'm not so sure. But, I'm watching. Show me, please, please show me!

There's this, Rumsfeld could be charged with war crimes. Could it be? The beginning of accountability? How embarrassing would that be, though? America's Defense Secretary being charged for war crimes in very far we have slipped. But, not so far that something still can't be done about it. I still have faith in America and real American values(and I guess the Democrats). Let's show the world something other than our recent fear, prejudice and corruption. Now is our chance!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween Revisited

On my list of dream jobs, costume designer is right up there with travel writer and sommelier. Like a big girl version of playing Barbies(uh, or maybe it was just me who chose to make all Barbie's clothes from the remains of cut-offs and my grandmother's old nylon nightgowns). So, Halloween is usually my kind of thing. This year, my creative juices were NOT flowing. I was feeling pretty lazy. So, I had a glass of wine, got a couple of white T-shirts, slung a bunch of paint on 'em and after a gawdawful mess, some of the neighbors joining me with their own white T-shirts and considerable drying time...viola...Possum and I were Jackson Pollock paintings for Halloween! I was Convergence and Possum was Circumcision, just in case you were wondering.

That's a close up(and blurred) shot of my T-shirt. So, today I'm messing around on this here internets and I see this.

$140 million. I must not have slung it the right way.