Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Religious Right

For it seems to me unreasonable, in sending a prisoner, not to also specify the charges against him. Acts 25:27

Now, I'm not one to trot out Bible versus to serve my political purposes. My faith and my belief are MY faith and MY belief. I like it that way and I believe everyone else is entitled to their own faith and beliefs, as long as they aren't hurting anyone or cramming it down everybodies throat either. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same way. For the last 6+ years that the Republicans have had their way(despite their best efforts to pin the tail on the Donkey and blame a lingering Clinton aura...longer lasting than a stain on a blue dress!...Damn, what is that man MADE of?... for everything they have managed to screw up), they have played holier than thou and shamelessly used their religion and the Religious Right to further their aims. Turns out it's been a whole lot of talk and precious little walk when it comes to their "faith". Aside from all the corruption, bribes and naughty e-mails to little boys, David Kuo, an Evangelical Christian and White House insider said on 60 Minutes that often Christian leaders were mocked and called "goofy" or "nuts". If the Religious Right remains suspicious of these claims...so close to mid-term elections, instead they should reflect on just how much actual legislation has been implemented over the last 6+ years on the issues near and dear to their hearts. That's the proof of how valued, or rather taken for granted, they are. Not that I'M complaining. I'm just saying.

I started this post with the Bible verse Acts 25:27. I can't think of anything that better illustrates the chasm that exists between my view of a what it means to be a Christian and the view that this administration adheres to. So, that's your Bible study for today, the day Bush signs a law severely limiting the great writ of habeas corpus.

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