Thursday, November 01, 2007

Uhhh, Let's See...

Betcha thought I forgot about ya, didn't ya Internetty!?!?

I have been busy with real-life stuff that's frankly just too uninteresting to share. Maybe by now I have saved up enough semi-interesting stuff that when presented together may seem as though I have a life.

I quit my job because it sucked. I have been unemployed for four days, but I'm supposed to start a new adventure next Tuesday. Oh boy!

To celebrate my unemployment I got my hair cut and colored, a manicure, and a pedicure. It took over four hours at the spa to complete the overhaul.

Possum and I went to Fayetteville's swanky new movie theater last weekend. Malco's Razorback Cinema just opened and it's really nice. It's about damn time Fayetteville had a decent place to go see a movie!

We saw the much anticipated (by us , anyway) new Wes Anderson movie, The Darjeeling Limited. I just loved it. Everything about it was just so...pretty. I can say that in spite of the fact that Owen Wilson spent 99.9% of the time with his whole head swaddled in gauze and bandages, and what we did see was horribly disfigured...but hey, still pretty. If you don't already have India on your "must visit before I'm senile" list, you will.

And...if that wasn't keeping me busy enough, I am getting preciously close to being the owner of a British Football (uh, soccer) team!!! You know, me and about 50,000 other folks. I'm so excited I can barely stand it!!!!

Internets, probably the next time you check-in I'll be able to tell you the story of my sucky job, the story of my new (hopefully less-sucky) job, and maybe even what team I own! Stay tuned!

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