Saturday, May 26, 2007

Keyword Analysis

Here's a list of the words that folks Googled that recently lead them to Details Are Sketchy. I'm not sure what it says about my blog...but, hell...what does it say about the folks doing the searching? I feel sorry that they ended up here where there is precious little information pertinent to anything. I hope they found what they were looking for in the end. But, what the hay...mine as well use these poor lost souls searches for our own amusement.

Most of y'all already know what nonsense to expect when you come for a visit. Here's some folks that obviously didn't. But, they say seek and ye shall find. I don't know about's a list of the words searched, I've linked it to the post they got in return just in case you are curious.

  • details are sketchy verily: Well, it looks like at least someone knew what they were getting. One of y'all must have lost your link.
  • talking with mouth full fetish: Wha??? Is this an actual fetish? By the very definition of a fetish, it would mean that one could not become sexually aroused without...talking with their mouth full? Or, would it be that their partner would have to talk with their mouth full? Full of w h a t, exactly? I'm not sure why The Google thought I would know anything about this. I'm curious...yet sorta afraid of what I might find if I did a little further research. Would it be hypocritical of me to Google this after making fun of this person for Googling it? If anyone has any info, please share.

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