Monday, October 06, 2008

The Sarah Palin Debate Flow Chart

Priceless. The original article by adennak at the Daily Kos.

Here's my Palin theory, because actually taking this seriously is unfathomable.

Shortly after her nomination and all the subsequent disastrous interviews, the Republican Party decided that she was dead in the water so they might as well take advantage of it. Armed only with her gender and folksy charm, she will sling all the mud they need a'slinging. Then! Right before the election, due to her obvious ineptitude, she is replaced by someone whose past evil deeds and incompetence are buried too deep to be discovered until after they are elected. (Let's say Huckabee. A Palin with a penis?)

What makes me really angry? As a country...are we seriously saying she is the best female we have to offer? Whether or not she truly embodies all the tired and distasteful feminine stereotypes she exhibits (Please God, let's hope not), she has yet to do anything to show us different. Isn't the not-quite-dumb-girl-playing-dumb-to-get-what-she-wants the oldest one in the book?

Also, I couldn't care less if her job as VP would interfere with her parenting. That's her business, and it's sexist to even ask the question...until we ask it of men, as well. Ultimately, each of us are going to screw up our kids in our own unique way with our various life decisions, it's the country we are leaving them that we should be concerned about.


Anonymous said...

Well, first and know I love you dearly. The only thing with enough barb from the bleeding heart liberals is Tina Fey's gig on SNL. Election 08...choose the lesser of two evils. I'll probably vote Libertarian. Call it a hunch, but Obama is not what he appears to be. None of them are, but he is not a Jesse Jackson. The black vote might swing this for him, but the blacks are going to be seriously disappointed that his agenda doesn't include driving all the honkies back into the sea. I think religious affiliations are going to play a BIG role in the new administration one way or another. Don't let that make you angry or despondent. It's been a long time coming. The founding fathers had it right except for one can't separate church and state. What people believe is what makes them who they are...and who people are is what gives a nation it's identity. But aside from that, how's soccer hooliganism working out for ya?

TDG said...

Oh, know me, I just love to rant. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be so riled up if I didn't think that there was a definite possibility of McCain/Palin for 4 years. No siree, I don't doubt the possibility, I'm checking on all the necessary requirements for seeking asylum in Holland...unfortunately, all the docs are in Dutch! Ah, whale hail, guess I'll just have to keep ranting. :-) Two things I would have to disagree with you on...First,separation of church and state ARE an essential part of our nation's identity. (If not, then WHO'S church? Pretty soon Hispanics will be the majority, so should we just forget the Pres. election and just go with the Pope?) Second, the voting Libertarian thing...four years ago I was telling EVERYONE to vote Libertarian. I know I convinced at least 6 people, two of whom were my parents! I know how badly we NEED a viable 3rd party, but that still didn't stop me from regretting my vote more and more over the past four years. Maybe if my vote and the votes of the people I influenced and the people they influenced had been different we could have saved everyone a lot of trouble. I would feel awful for discouraging someone from voting 3rd party, but every vote counts...right now, more than ever.

Oh, and soccer hooliganism is FUN! You should try it!